Bates Motel

"Bates Motel" is a contemporary prequel to the genre-defining film "Psycho," and gives a portrayal of how Norman Bates' (Freddie Highmore) psyche unravels through his teenage years. Fans discover the dark, twisted backstory of Norman Bates and how deeply intricate his relationship with his mother, Norma (Vera Farmiga), truly is.



Movie time

45 min

Directed by



Vera Farmiga, Freddie Highmore, Max Thieriot



03E07 - The Last Supper

Norma's return home after her brief absence is anything but smooth. Norman has been acting resentful and she tells him to grow up. His first meeting with a psychologist doesn't go well. After acquiring a new phone, Norma realizes that Sheriff Romero has been shot. Romero finally has a look at the list of names on the flash card Norma was given and finds some very disturbing information. Dylan learns more about Emma's condition from her dad and the fact that she may never get high enough on the list of people waiting for a lung transplant. Dylan may have a way to help her out when his neighbor offers him a dangerous but well-paying job. Norma decides to put everything behind her and cook a nice dinner.

Date: 20 Apr 2015
IMDB id: tt4260874
IMDB rating: N/A
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