The Vampire Diaries

After centuries of quarreling, Stefan and Damon Salvatore return to their original town of Mystic Fall, Virginia. Stefan, the selfless, brave, guilt-ridden brother, meets a high school girl named Elena Gilbert whom he instantly falls in love with, while Damon, the gorgeous, dangerous and selfish vampire, is after his brother's girl to pay him back for making him turn into a vampire in 1864.



Movie time

43 min

Directed by



Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder



03E12 - The Ties That Bind

Prophetic dreams about the mysterious fourth coffin lead Bonnie and Elena to a surprising source, while Tyler seeks help to break free from Klaus' bond so he can be with Caroline. Alaric's new friend Dr. Fell has a secret no one sees coming, and Stefan's interference in Elena's life reveals something that surprises even him.

Date: 19 Jan 2012
IMDB id: tt1993209
IMDB rating: 8.4
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