Doctor Who

The Doctor, a Time Lord from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the TARDIS (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time, the Doctor regenerates into a new form.



Movie time

45 min

Directed by



Jodie Whittaker, Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie



06E07 - A Good Man Goes to War

The Doctor and Rory begin their quest to find Amy who has been kidnapped. She's also given birth and they have her baby girl, Melody, as well. They begin by scouring the universe where the Doctor calls in debts and head for Demon's Run where Amy is being held. The only one who refuses to join him is River Song. The battle is short-lived and both Amy and Melodie are saved. Perhaps the battle to save them was too easy. It's clearly Melodie the kidnappers were interested in and her DNA reveals she's something more than just human. They've also been fooled however and the baby has been taken. When River Song appears, she reveals who she truly is.

Date: 04 Jun 2011
IMDB id: tt1777781
IMDB rating: 9.1
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