The Vampire Diaries

After centuries of quarreling, Stefan and Damon Salvatore return to their original town of Mystic Fall, Virginia. Stefan, the selfless, brave, guilt-ridden brother, meets a high school girl named Elena Gilbert whom he instantly falls in love with, while Damon, the gorgeous, dangerous and selfish vampire, is after his brother's girl to pay him back for making him turn into a vampire in 1864.



Movie time

43 min

Directed by



Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder



02E06 - Plan B

Jeremy visits Damon and reveals that he knows where the moonstone is and that Tyler is not a werewolf; Damon asks him to get the stone. Meanwhile, Caroline has a long conversation with her mother Liz, but she ends up having to compel her. Bonnie stumbles into Mason where she has a vision of Elena kissing him, but Stefan realizes that the woman is Katherine instead. Stefan and Damon ask Bonnie to help them kidnap Mason using her powers. Damon knocks Mason out and the Salvatore brothers kidnap him. Damon tortures Mason to find out the intentions of Katherine. Bonnie reveals to Stefan that the moonstone is hidden inside a well on the old Lockwood property. When Stefan jumps into the well, he finds it is full of vervain water. Damon rips out Mason's heart then calls Katherine to tell her he has just killed Mason. Katherine plots her revenge which will begin with Jenna.

Date: 21 Oct 2010
IMDB id: tt1636357
IMDB rating: 8.7
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