The Vampire Diaries

After centuries of quarreling, Stefan and Damon Salvatore return to their original town of Mystic Fall, Virginia. Stefan, the selfless, brave, guilt-ridden brother, meets a high school girl named Elena Gilbert whom he instantly falls in love with, while Damon, the gorgeous, dangerous and selfish vampire, is after his brother's girl to pay him back for making him turn into a vampire in 1864.



Movie time

43 min

Directed by



Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder



02E16 - The House Guest

The Salvatore brothers are unpleasantly surprised that killing Elijah didn't harm, but instead released Katherine. Damon indignantly rejects her flirtation. Dr. Jonas Martin uses invisible astral projection to enable his son Luka to retrieve the ash dagger and thus revive Elijah, but Damon notices and fights back and thus kills the invisible Luka. Grieved, Jonas attacks Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena, but ends up dead and surprisingly restores Bonnie's powers. Alaric refuses to keep lying to Jenna, who refuses to be protected by secrecy, so they stop dating until the truth can be told. Matt confronts Caroline who ultimately convinces him of her love, and later discloses of being a vampire and has to heal him after a near-fatal attack.

Date: 24 Feb 2011
IMDB id: tt1636346
IMDB rating: 8.6
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