Dark Angel

In a future of political, economic and moral collapse, a genetically enhanced superhuman prototype named Max escapes from military confines and dwells amidst the decadent underground street life of *Seattle* to avoid government agents who want to bring her back into the fold. Searching for others of her kind who were scattered in the aftermath of her escape, Max encounters Logan, an idealistic cyber-journalist battling repression and corruption in post-apocalypse America. Eventually, Logan calls her to the highest part of her being and Max becomes his samurai as the pair takes on the ruthless power-brokers of the new millennium. Max and Logan's odyssey leads them closer to the secret of her past, deepening and complicating their relationship in the process.



Movie time

60 min

Directed by



Jessica Alba, Michael Weatherly, Richard Gunn



02E01 - Designate This

Max regains her consciousness after her heart transplant, only to realize that she is back at Manticore and that Zack's heart is beating inside her. Madame X or Dr. Renfroe brings her to what is remain of Zack, his various organs taken to save other X5s. Now that the DNA lab has been torched, Manticore has decided to designate a 'breeding partner' to every X5's. Max's turns out to be Alec, a clone of Ben, who has no problem with her refusal to 'mate' with him. With the help of Joshua, a half dog- half man experiment, she escapes from Manticore for the second time. Outside in Seattle, Logan, after 3 months, still believes that Max is alive. He decides to reveal the existence of Manticore through Eyes Only. Dr. Renfro must destroy all evidence of the facility and burns the place, with people still trapped inside. Max cannot bear to see them die and releases everyone. Logan is reunited with her, only to find out that she is deadly to him if they touch because Manticore has given her a special virus targeted at him. Luckily, Max is able to retrieve the anti-body from Dr. Renfroe, who ends up taking a bullet for Max because, in her words, Max is special. Dying, she tells Max to find Sandeman.

Date: 28 Sep 2001
IMDB id: tt0554569
IMDB rating: N/A
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