
The three Halliwell sisters discover that they are descendents of a line of female witches. Each has a special ability (stopping time, moving objects, seeing the future), and they can also combine their abilities into the "Power of Three" to fight demons, warlocks, and other evils.



Movie time

42 min

Directed by



Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano, Brian Krause



06E19 - Crimes & Witch Demeanors

Phoebe and Paige having intervened magically to rescue Darryl in another violent case, but cleaning up poorly so SFPD Inspector Sheridan arrests him as murder suspect with a witch, the Cleaners intervene and are instructed to prevent a repeat of uncovering magic. Gideon acts as the Charmed Ones' council to appeal to the Magic Tribunal, where a god and an evil judge wield limitless power over magical beings. The case against them is pleaded by hell-liberated ultimate hostile demon Barnas, who demands on several grounds to have their powers stripped altogether.

Date: 25 Apr 2004
IMDB id: tt0539350
IMDB rating: N/A
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